Mu Shu Turkey


Mu Shu Turkey

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    2 tbsp. sesame or vegetable oil, divided
    1 (1.2 pounds) package Honeysuckle White 93/7 lean ground turkey
    2 c. thinly sliced fresh shiitake mushroom caps
    4 c. (about 12 ounces) cabbage or broccoli slaw
    1 tsp. chopped garlic
    1 tsp. grated ginger
    ⅓ c. hoisin sauce
    ¼ c. chopped cilantro
    8 small (6- to 8-inch) flour tortillas, heated
    Additional hoisin sauce


    1. In wok or sauté pan, heat 1 teaspoon oil over medium heat.
    2. Add turkey; cook about 5 minutes or until no longer pink, stirring occasionally to break up turkey. Remove from pan.
    3. Heat remaining oil in same pan; add mushrooms and sauté about 2 minutes. Add slaw, garlic and ginger; stir-fry 3 to 4 minutes or until wilted. Stir in hoisin sauce and cilantro.
    4. Mound turkey mixture on serving plate; serve with tortillas and extra hoisin sauce on the side.

    Nutrition facts


    450 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 19g
    • Cholesterol: 100mg
    • Sodium: 480mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 39g
    • Protein: 32g

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