Green Bean Fries


Green Bean Fries

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Battered and fried green beans with dipping sauce on the side

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    For anyone who says they don't like green beans, perhaps they've had them like this before.

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    ½ c. Hy-Vee all-purpose flour
    1 tbsp. Hy-Vee garlic powder
    ½ tsp. cayenne
    ½ tsp. Hy-Vee paprika
    1 Hy-Vee large egg
    ½ c. Hy-Vee panko crumbs
    2 c. fresh green beans, de-stemmed
    Hy-Vee vegetable oil


    1. In a small bowl, combine flour, garlic powder, cayenne and paprika. In a second small bowl, lightly beat egg. In a third small bowl, place panko crumbs.
    2. Dip green beans in each of three bowls, first flour mixture, then egg, then panko.
    3. Meanwhile, in a medium soup pot, heat enough vegetable oil to submerge green beans, over medium heat.
    4. Drop coated beans into oil and cook for about 30 to 45 seconds, or until light golden brown. Remove from oil onto paper towel-lined plate.

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee weekly ad from the week of March 23, 2011.