Whipped Lima Beans with Roasted Garlic


Side Dish
Whipped Lima Beans with Roasted Garlic

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Swap out mashed potatoes for these whipped lima beans. Not only are they vegan, but they also contain protein and lots of fiber!

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Servings and Ingredients

Serves 8
1 medium bulb garlic
1 tbsp. Gustare Vita olive oil
2 (16-oz.) pkgs. Hy-Vee frozen baby lima beans
1 c. water, divided
¾ c. unsweetened almond milk yogurt
1 tsp. Hy-Vee salt
1 tsp. Hy-Vee coarsely ground black pepper, plus additional for garnish
2 tbsp. vegan buttery sticks
1 tsp. chopped fresh sage, plus 3 sage leaves

Things To Grab

  • Aluminum foil
  • Small shallow baking pan
  • Small bowl
  • Blender
  • Small nonstick skillet


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut a small sheet of foil; set aside. Cut off a thin slice from the top of the garlic bulb to expose ends of individual cloves. Remove any loose, papery outer layers. Place garlic bulb, cut sides up, on center of foil. Drizzle with olive oil. Bring up 2 opposite sides of foil. Double-fold top, then double-fold ends to seal packets. Place in a shallow baking pan. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until soft.

  2. Microwave 5-1/3 cups frozen lima beans according to pkg. directions. Reserve remaining lima beans for another use. Carefully squeeze the base of 7 garlic cloves and push each clove up and out of its paper husks; mash cloves in a small bowl. Reserve remaining roasted garlic cloves for another use.

  3. Place cooked lima beans, 3/4 cup water, yogurt, mashed garlic, salt and 1 tsp. pepper in a blender. Cover and blend until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides as needed. (A few bean pieces will remain.) Add enough of the remaining 1/4 cup water to blend for desired consistency. Set bean mixture aside.

  4. For sage butter, melt vegan buttery stick in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add chopped sage and sage leaves; cook for 30 to 40 seconds or until the color of leaves begins to change, turning leaves halfway through. Remove sage leaves.

  5. Transfer lima bean mixture into a serving bowl. Drizzle with sage butter. Garnish with fried sage leaves and, if desired, additional black pepper.

Nutrition facts


210 Calories per serving

Amounts Per Serving

  • Total Fat: 6g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 380mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 30g
  • Protein: 9g

Daily Values

Iron 15%
Calcium 4%
Vitamin D 0%
Potassium 10%