Ice Cream Sundae Bar


Ice Cream Sundae Bar

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    Servings and Ingredients

    ½ gal. Hy-Vee lite chocolate, vanilla or strawberry ice cream
    fresh fruit: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, peach slices, banana slices
    nuts: soy nuts or sliced almonds
    dried cherries or cranberries
    1 jar(s) lite chocolate sauce
    1 jar(s) lite caramel or butterscotch sauce
    1 can(s) Hy-Vee aerosol lite whipped topping
    1 jar(s) Hy-Vee maraschino cherries, drained


    1. Slice ice cream into 1/2-inch-thick to 1-inch-thick slices.
    2. Place ice cream slices on a dessert plate or in a bowl.
    3. Make a sundae bar with bowls of fresh fruit, nuts and dried fruit plus jars of ice cream topping, can of whipped topping and bowl of maraschino cherries.
    4. Top ice cream with toppings.