Fruit Pizza 2


Fruit Pizza 2

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 packet(s) yellow cake mix
    2 eggs
    ¼ c. butter or margarine, softened
    ¼ c. water
    ¼ c. brown sugar
    whipped topping, thawed
    sliced fruit


    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line 2 pizza pans with foil.
    2. Beat dry cake mix, eggs, butter and water together. Spread batter evenly in prepared pans. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes. Let cool.
    3. When cooled, spread each crust with whipped topping.
    4. Slice a variety of fruits* and arrange in concentric circles on topping in each pan.
    5. *If using bananas, top with jam thinned with a little water or use a fruit glaze to prevent bananas from darkening.