3 Avocado Recipes That Make You Say Avocad-oh!

Food Love: Ingredient Focus
3 Recipes That Make You Say Avocad-oh!

Primary Media


March 22 2019


Wanna make your cream pies even creamier? And your homemade ice cream, too? The secret's in the avocados. Learn how we're using this superfood to whip up extra delicious desserts, including a dark chocolate pudding. (Sorry, guacamole, we still love you, too.)

  1. No Bake Avocado Key Lime Pie

    Oh. My. Avocado. We tried this pie many different ways and discovered that freezing it for 4 hours before serving is the absolute best for texture and flavor. Consider it a make-ahead.

  2. Blender Avocado Frozen Yogurt

    Imagine being able to make a totally unique homemade ice cream with just 5 ingredients and a blender. We thought it couldn't be done properly until we tried it with ripe avocado. 

  3. Chocolate Avocado Pudding

    When using avocados in desserts, make sure they're ripe (they should be slightly soft to the touch.) If they're not, store them in a closed paper bag for several days at room temperature to ripen. Trust us, it's worth the wait. This recipe puts pudding cups to shame...