Pomegranate and Pear Salsa (1)


Pomegranate and Pear Salsa

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Servings and Ingredients

Serves 10
2 pomegranates or 1 3/4 c. pomegranate seeds
¼ c. 100% pomegranate juice
Juice of 1 lime (2 tbsp)
¼ c. minced red onion
¼ c. freshly chopped cilantro
1 medium Bartlett pear, cored and diced
1 tbsp. sugar


  1. Score each pomegranate and place in large bowl of water. Break pomegranates open underneath water to free seeds. Pull and break seeds from fruit membrane and seed will float to the bottom. Strain away water and place seeds in medium mixing bowl.
  2. Add pomegranate juice and lime juice to seeds; toss to evenly coat. Add minced red onion, cilantro and diced pear; stir to combine. Sprinkle sugar over seed mixture and stir to combine. Serve with baked tortilla chips or use as a garnish for fish or chicken.

Recipe Source:

Heather Illg, RD, LD, Urbandale (IA) dietitian.