Onion Meat Loaf


Onion Meat Loaf

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 6
    16 oz. ground 90%-lean turkey or beef
    6 slice(s) reduced-calorie white bread, made into soft crumbs
    1 c. chopped onion
    1 c. (an 8-ounce can) tomato sauce, divided
    1 tbsp. Brown Sugar Twin
    2 tsp. prepared mustard
    ¼ tsp. black pepper


    1. In a large bowl, combine meat, bread crumbs, onion, 1/3 cup tomato sauce, Brown Sugar Twin, mustard and black pepper. Mix well to combine.
    2. Place a small custard cup in center of deep-dish 10-inch glass pie plate or use a microwave ring mold. Evenly spread meat mixture into prepared pie plate. Spoon remaining 2/3 cup tomato sauce evenly over top of meat mixture. Microwave on high for 8 minutes.
    3. Turn dish half turn and continue microwaving on high for an additional 8 minutes. Place pie plate on a wire rack and let set for 5 minutes.

    Nutrition facts


    170 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 6g
    • Sodium: 450mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 12g
    • Protein: 17g

    Recipe Source:

    30 meals, 30 minutes.