Mom's Great Homemade Buns


Side Dish
Mom's Great Homemade Buns

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 packet(s) dry yeast
    2 c. plus 1/4 c. milk, divided
    ½ c. plus 1/2 tsp sugar, divided
    1 large egg
    7 c. flour
    1 ½ tsp. salt
    3 tbsp. shortening
    butter, melted


    1. In small bowl, mix yeast with 1/4 cup warm milk and 1/2 teaspoon sugar.
    2. Bring remaining 2 cups milk to a boil. In large bowl, mix boiling milk, remaining 1/2 cup sugar, salt and shortening. Let cool.
    3. After milk has cooled, add egg. Add 3 cups flour and mix well. Stir in yeast mixture. Add remaining 4 cups flour and mix until a soft dough forms.
    4. Let rise approximately 1 hour. Punch down. Let rise again for 2 hours. Form into buns. Let rise for 2 more hours.
    5. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Brush melted butter on tops of buns when finished baking.