Honey-Balsamic Chicken and Roasted Potatoes


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Honey-Balsamic Chicken and Roasted Potatoes

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Chicken breasts topped with berry balsamic sauce and roasted potatoes

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Two for dinner tonight and two for lunches the next day. This meal prep chicken recipe can also easily be doubled to get you through the week. Each serving is a hearty portion of chicken and potatoes smothered in a balsamic-berry sauce. 

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Servings and Ingredients

Serves 4
3 large russet potatoes
2 tbsp. Gustare Vita olive oil
1 tbsp. Hy-Vee Italian seasoning
1 tbsp. Hy-Vee salt
Hy-Vee ground black pepper
4 (4-to-5-oz. each) boneless skinless chicken breasts
½ c. Gustare Vita balsamic vinegar
¼ c. Hy-Vee honey
1 c. Hy-Vee Short Cuts elegant berry blend

Things To Grab

  • 10-inch cast iron skillet
  • Meat thermometer
  • Small sauce pan
  • 4 serving plates or airtight containers


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut potatoes into ½-inch cubes. Place in a 10-inch cast iron skillet. Toss with olive oil, Italian seasoning, and season with salt and pepper. Bake 15 minutes or until slightly browned and softened.

  2. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Push potatoes to one side of the cast iron making room for the chicken. Place chicken in cast-iron skillet. Bake 20 minutes or until potatoes are golden brown and chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees.

  3. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine balsamic vinegar and honey over medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes or until reduced slightly and mixture coats the back of a spoon. Add berries, cook until softened and thick syrup forms, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

    Hyvee Culinary Expert Tip
    Substitute the Hy-Vee Short Cuts elegant berry blend for Hy-Vee frozen mixed berries. Simply thaw the berries and drain the excess liquid. Simmer in balsamic and honey mixture until mixture has thickened slightly.
    Hy-Vee Test Kitchen
  4. Remove chicken and potatoes from oven. Place potatoes and chicken 4 serving plates or store in 4 airtight containers for storage. Top chicken with balsamic glaze.

Nutrition facts


500 Calories per serving

Amounts Per Serving

  • Total Fat: 10g
  • Cholesterol: 85mg
  • Sodium: 105mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 70g
  • Protein: 31g

Daily Values

Iron 10%
Calcium 4%
Vitamin D 0%
Potassium 35%

Recipe Source:

Hy-Vee Test Kitchen