Grilled Angel Food Cake Kabobs


Grilled Angel Food Cake Kabobs

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 c. (1-inch cubes) angel food cake
    1 c. whole strawberries
    1 c. peach slices
    1 tbsp. sugar
    ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
    1 (6 oz) container Yoplait Light white chocolate strawberry yogurt


    1. Heat gas or charcoal grill. Arrange cake cubes, strawberries and peach slices alternately on eight 6-inch skewers. In small bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle over kabobs.
    2. Place kabobs on grill over medium heat. Cover grill; cook kabobs about 2 minutes, turning once, until golden brown. Serve kabobs with yogurt.

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