How-To Make Double-Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches

How-to Article

How-To Make Double-Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches

Primary Media

Things To Grab

  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • 8 Hy-Vee Bakery Fresh brownie cookies with Ghiradelli chocolate chips
  • 1 pt. Til the Cows Come Home play that chunky music white cow ice cream, or desired flavor

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    Did someone say ice cream sandwiches? Just pick up two ingredients from your local Hy-Vee and you can make homemade ice cream sandwiches whenever the mood strikes. Plus, this helpful how-to shows you exactly what you need to do to make these Double-Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches. 

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    1. Cut It
      Lay a pint of Til the Cows Come Home play that chunky music white cow ice cream, or your favorite flavor of ice cream, on its side and cut it into 4 (3/4-inch each) slices.

    2. Peel It
      Working quickly, carefully cut and peel away the pint container from each of the slices.

    3. Stack It
      Place each ice cream and slice onto the bottom of 4 Hy-Vee Bakery Fresh brownie cookies and top with a second cookie to form a sandwich. 

    4. Serve immediately or wrap tightly in plastic wrap and freeze for up to 1 week.