Taffy Apple Salad


Taffy Apple Salad

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 (20 oz) can pineapple chunks, juice drained and reserved
    2 c. miniature marshmallows
    ½ c. sugar
    1 tsp. flour
    1 egg, beaten
    ½ tsp. vinegar
    1 (12 oz) container Cool Whip whipped topping, thawed
    1 ½ c. chopped Spanish peanuts
    2 c. diced Golden Delicious apples


    1. Blend drained pineapple and marshmallows together. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
    2. Combine reserved pineapple juice, sugar, flour, egg and vinegar in saucepan. Cook until thickened. Cool. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
    3. At serving time, mix pineapple/marshmallow mixture and dressing mixture with Cool Whip.
    4. Add apples and nuts to mixture and serve.