Pepper Steak


Pepper Steak

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 ½ lbs. round steak
    ¼ c. soy sauce
    ¼ tsp. ginger
    ¼ tsp. garlic powder
    1 green bell pepper, diced
    chopped onion
    diced tomato
    2 tbsp. flour
    1 c. cold water
    hot cooked rice


    1. Cut round steak into squares.
    2. Spray a heavy skillet with nonstick cooking spray and brown meat in pan.
    3. Combine soy sauce, ginger and garlic powder. Add to skillet. Simmer until meat is tender, about 20 minutes.
    4. Add green pepper, onion and tomatoes. Stir and simmer until peppers are tender.
    5. Shake flour and cold water together. Add to meat mixture and stir until sauce is thick.
    6. Serve over hot cooked rice.