Maine Lobster Rolls


Main Dish
Maine Lobster Rolls

Primary Media

Rolls filled with lobster meat and a creamy sauce with two lemon wedges on the side

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    3 (7 oz) frozen lobster tails, thawed
    ½ c. Hy-Vee light salad dressing
    2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
    1 ½ tsp. Hy-Vee Dijon mustard
    1 tsp. Hy-Vee Select olive oil
    ¼ tsp. hot pepper sauce
    ¼ tsp. Hy-Vee salt
    ⅛ tsp. Hy-Vee black pepper
    ½ c. chopped celery
    4 (5-inch each) sourdough rolls
    Dried dill, optional
    Lemon wedges, optional


    1. Cook lobster in boiling water until opaque. Remove shell; set aside.
    2. Whisk salad dressing, lemon juice, mustard, oil, pepper sauce, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Mix in lobster and celery; cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 1 hour or up to overnight before serving.
    3. Lengthwise, cut out a wedge from the top of each roll and discard. Fill the void with lobster mixture.
    4. If desired, sprinkle on dried dill and serve with lemon wedges.

    Nutrition facts


    530 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 10g
    • Cholesterol: 60mg
    • Sodium: 1500mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 81mg
    • Protein: 28g

    Daily Values

    Vitamin A 4%
    Vitamin C 2%
    Iron 20%
    Calcium 10%

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Seasons Summer 2011, Hy-Vee ad from February 15, 2015.