Hawaiian Punch and 7UP Punch


Hawaiian Punch and 7UP Punch

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    Servings and Ingredients

    24 oz. 7UP
    32 oz. Hawaiian Punch Fruit Juicy Blend
    ¼ c. ReaLemon 100% lemon juice
    16 oz. Canada Dry club soda
    12 oz. orange juice
    1 pt. raspberry sorbet
    raspberries, for garnish

    Things To Grab


      1. Combine 7UP, Hawaiian Punch Fruit Juicy Blend, ReaLemon, club soda, orange juice and raspberry sorbet in a punch bowl.

      2. Garnish with raspberries, if desired.

      Recipe Source:

      Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Hy-Vee Seasons Holiday 2012.