Fried Apples


Fried Apples

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    Servings and Ingredients

    6 large red apples, unpared and cored
    ½ c. cooking wine
    1 c. sugar
    1 whole (6 inch) cinnamon stick
    3 tbsp. butter
    ½ c. water
    1 tbsp. lemon juice


    1. Saute apples in butter for 6-8 minutes in non-stick skillet.
    2. Boil wine, sugar, cinnamon stick, and lemon juice for 5 minutes. Pour over apples.
    3. Cook, uncovered, until apples are tender. Pour into serving dish. Serve warm or cold.
    4. NOTE: For a simple supper serve with browned sausage patties or links. For an elegant touch serve with a pork roast.

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