Rolo Pretzel Delights


Rolo Pretzel Delights

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    You're only 3 ingredients away from these sweet and salty holiday bites. Although technically not Christmas cookies, we're ok with having them on the cookie tray.

    Recipe Tags

    Servings and Ingredients

    small pretzels
    Rolo chewy caramel in milk chocolate
    pecan halves

    Things To Grab


      1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper or foil.
      2. Place one pretzel for each pretzel treat desired on prepared sheet. Top each pretzel with one Rolo chewy caramel in milk chocolate.
      3. Bake 3 to 5 minutes or until caramel piece begins to soften but not melt. Remove from oven; top with either a pecan half or additional pretzel.
      4. Cool completely.

      Recipe Source:

      Hy-Vee Seasons Holiday 2011.