Push-ups are great for engaging the whole body—arms, chest, core, and legs. Here's how to do a few variations to maximize your results.
Decline for Chest and Arms
Start in push-up position with feet on a plyo box or raised platform. Maintaining a straight back, gradually lower your chest until it nearly touches the ground. Press upward.
Push-Up to Rotation for Chest, Arms, and Abs
Start in push-up position, feet on the floor and upper body raised off the ground. Lower your chest toward the ground until it nearly touches. Press your upper body up and simultaneously twist your torso and raise your right arm toward the sky. Repeat, alternating arms.
Push-Up to Row for Chest, Arms, and Upper Back
Start in push-up position, feet on the floor, upper body raised off the ground and hands gripping dumbbells. Lower your chest toward the floor, then push up before it touches. Once arms are straight, pull weight in right hand to right side of the chest. Gradually lower arm. Alternate.
Spiderman for Chest, Arms, and Abs
Start in push-up position, feet on the floor and upper body raised off the ground. Lower your chest toward the floor while simultaneously bringing your right knee toward your right elbow. Push yourself back to starting position. Alternate.