Whether you're kicking back with a little homegating for game day, or hosting a virtual happy hour, these are heady times for beer lovers, with an abundance of flavors to discover at your local Hy-Vee.
But did you know you could bring out the craft beer flavors you love even more with a simple—and tasty—food or snack pairing? Here we'll share our favorite things to eat that will actually make your craft beer choice taste even better.
Wheat Beers
Variations of wheat beers include American (light and hoppy), Belgian-style witbier (spiced with coriander and orange peel), and German-style hefeweizen (hints of banana and clove).
These pair great with seafood, salads, goat cheese, pretzels, and spicy mustard. Try it with our Spicy Snack Mix!
Pale Ales
American Pale Ale is milder and less bitter than India Pale Ale (IPA), which comes in regional variations, such as bitter West Coast, juicy and hazy New England, and roasty black IPA.
These pair great with roasted or grilled meats, intense cheeses (think blue cheese), and spicy foods.
Amber Lagers
Amber lagers include medium-body amber lagers with toasty or caramel flavor highlighting both malt and hops, as well as full-bodied Oktoberfeest beers with rich, toasty flavor.
These pair great with salads, mild cheeses, fruit desserts, and our favorite: salty, briney olive mixes.
Red Ales
Irish red ales feature a smooth, malty taste with caramel-like sweetness and less hop bitterness. American red ales are a robust alternative with a hoppier flavor.
These pair great with roasted vegetables, Cheddar, and salami, particularly peppered salami.
Also check out 6 Italian Meats That Aren't Pepperoni.
Brown Ales
English-style brown ales are medium bodied with dry to sweet maltiness; American style has roasted malt caramel and chocolate character with more hop bitterness.
These pair great with barbecue, smoked sausage, and pretzels with mustard dip.
Dunkel, the German term for dark, applies to a number of dark German lagers, ranging from amber to dark reddish brown. Dunkels feature a smooth, malty flavor.
These pair great with roasted vegetables, pork, sausage, and sweet or smoked barbecue.
Porters & Stouts
Made from dark-roasted malts, porters are dark and full-bodied. Stouts are stronger porters with bitter hops and roasted black malts.
These pair great with roasted or grilled meats, hearty cheeses, peanut butter-flavored snacks, and our favorite pick: dark chocolate!