Craft beer drinkers, these cheeses are for you. We hope you work your way through all eight pairings, but if you only choose one, go for number 6—blue cheese with honey and IPA.
Imperial Stout
This stout has more hop character than traditional stouts and is considered to be more balanced. Try this beer with a big and bold aged Irish Cheddar cheese.
English Brown
This malty and bold beer has hints of alcohol and is perfectly paired with Provolone or smoked Gouda cheeses.
American Brown
Malty and bold, the American brown is hoppier and a bit more bitter than it's English Brown relative. Pair this beer with a very sharp Swiss cheese.
This light German-style lager has a strong wheat flavor with hints of banana and clove. Bring out the fruity flavor of this beer by paring it with a fruity cheese, such as a Wensleydale cranberry cheese.
Belgian Pale Ale
This spicy and fruity ale pairs wonderfully with a sharp and rich Swiss cheese.
American IPA
American IPA has a piney, citrus flavor from the hops with little malt and bitter flavors. Try this beer with a sharp flavored blue cheese.
Lambics have many different flavors and are often sweetened with fruit flavor. Fruit Lambics pair well with Brie and other mild cheeses.
American Pale Ale
Malty, citrusy, and balanced. Try this ale with a mild Cheddar cheese.