Within 5-minutes of drinking water, it moves from your stomach into your bloodstream. Most of it heads for the inside of the body's cells to feed them with nutrients and oxygen then carries away cell waste through the kidneys. Water also helps regulate your body temperature, lubricates joints, helps with brain function, aids in digestion, and moistens and protects eyes, sinuses, lungs, and throat. So, it makes sense that it can help aid against diseases and improve your overall health. If you have underlying health conditions drinking the recommended amount of water on a daily basis may help with your symptoms.
If you're not a big water drinker, check out these 5 Tricks to Add Flavor to Your Water.
Exercise-Related Asthma and Cystic Fibrosis
Evidence links poor hydration with bronchial spasms after exercise. Dehydration may also be associated with cystic fibrosis. One study suggests "Local mild hypohydration, or dehydration, may play a critical role in ... several broncho-pulmonary disorders like exercise asthma or cystic fibrosis."
Hyvee Dietitian Expert Tip
Health experts suggest 11 to 16 eight-ounce glasses a day, but it also depends on how strenuously you exercise, your age, the climate you live in, and other factors. Another way to figure: Divide the number of your weight in half; drink that many ounces per day.Colon and Bladder Cancer
Three studies have described an association between water intake and reduced risk for colon cancer and suggest more research to solidly link the two. One study suggests that proper hydration reduces the concentration and length of time of carcinogens in the bladder, and that it quickly moves stool to reduce contact by carcinogens.
Blood Clots
Water intake may have a bearing on venous thromboembolism-blood thickening that causes a clot in a deep vein, often the leg. A study of patients with dehydration a few days after sudden loss of blood circulation to an area of the brain showed an increased rate of venous thromboembolism. Blood-thinning medicines that dissolve clots or prevent the formation of new ones are often prescribed for this condition.
Digestive Problems
Water is needed to help the stomach soften and break down food. In addition, water in the GI tract is absorbed by stool. Dehydration can cause hard stools and constipation.
Back Pain
Emerging interest lies in the idea that drinking water can help discs between the vertebrae reabsorb moisture that is lost from everyday wear and tear. Blogs, websites, and many medical professionals who contribute to them suggest that gel-filled inner core of a disc loses fluid when weight is placed on it, resulting in an erosion of the cushioning between vertebrae. Drinking water rehydrates the gel-filled inner core.
Kidney Stones/ Urinary Tract Infections
Drinking plenty of water increases urine output, which is associated with reduced likelihood of kidney stones. One study reports that recurrence rates of kidney stones dropped by 50% among test subjects who increased their water intake.
Hyvee Culinary Expert Tip
Help kids get enough water in their diets by freezing fruit juices to make colorful ice cubes that are packed with flavor and add a colorful flair to their glass of water.Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Hydration figures into treatment for diabetics when blood glucose levels are high, insulin is low and ketoacidosis-a serious chemical imbalance in the body-sets in. Ketoacidosis can cause weakness, vomiting, excessive thirst, abdominal pain, and confusion. Fluid intake is essential.
Migraine and Headaches
Lack of water might dehydrate the inside of the cranium and prompt a migraine headache. Drinking water may be useful in lessening migraine headache pain.
Coronary Heart Disease
Drinking enough water and removing it through urine affects blood volume, which in turn guides heart rate and blood pressure. Dehydration decreases blood volume, which makes the heart work harder.