4 Moves You Can Do at Home to Strengthen Your Abs and Core

Wellness: Health & Fitness
4 Moves for an Easy (ish) Ab Workout

Primary Media


August 31 2018


A strong core is critical for stability, alleviating back pain, and getting the most out of other exercises. These four moves will help build a strong midsection for everyday activities. Check out more great exercises and get nutrition tips from dietitians and other health experts in every issue of Balance magazine—available in store or by subscription

  1. Seated Twist (Abdominals and Obliques)

    Sit on the floor with knees bent and upper body at 60-degree angle from the floor. Keeping knees together and hands on opposite shoulders, slowly twist your upper body until your right elbow is past your rib cage. Alternate.

  2. Leg Raises (Lower Abdominals)

    Lie on your back and lift legs so your body forms a 90-degree angle. Contract your ab muscles and lift your bottom off the floor. Keep your shoulders on the floor throughout the exercise and do not allow back to arch.

  3. Flutter Kicks (Abdominals)

    Lie on your back with hands under the outer edges of glute muscles. Lift legs about six inches off the floor. Lift your right foot six inches higher, then quickly lower it to six inches while lifting your left foot six inches. 

  4. Reverse Crunch (Lower Abdominals)

    Lie on your back and lift legs so your body forms a 90-degree angle. Contract your ab muscles and lift your bottom off the floor. Keep your shoulders on the floor throughout the exercise.