Three Hy-Vee Chefs go head-to-head to put creative spins on easy family meals. If you had to pick a winner, which steak recipe would you choose?
Learn more about mastering steak in our Steak Night Cooking Guide.
Chef Paul's Mint Chimichurri Filet Mignon
Filet mignon is this chef's go-to for it's ease. There's no need to marinate this naturally tender cut. Plus it's great on the grill. For the best value and quality, look for Choice Reserve 5-ounce filets.
Chef Sherry's Espresso-Chipotle Steak Salad
For Chef Sherry, the beauty of Choice Reserve sirloin strip steak is that is cooks quickly on the grill and fans out beautifully on salad. She uses a rub made with smoky chipotle and instant espresso powder for an extra depth of flavor.
Chef Neal's Bulgogi Beef Stir-Fry
Chef Neal uses only the best ingredients to make a stir-fry that's near impossible to stop eating. To recreate this dish, look for Prime Reserve boneless beef ribeye steaks. The beef caramelizes as the fat breaks down, yielding flavorful, juicy strips of steak.