Spinach Salad with Strawberries and Mangoes


Spinach Salad with Strawberries and Mangoes

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Bed of spinach topped with salmon, strawberries, onions and mangos

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 (8 to 9 oz) bag fresh spinach
    ½ c. pecans, toasted
    2 c. sliced fresh strawberries
    1 to 2 mangoes, sliced or chopped
    ½ c. sliced red onion
    ½ c. sugar
    ⅓ c. raspberry vinegar
    2 tbsp. Tone's Salad Seasoning Blend
    1 c. Mazola corn oil
    grilled salmon or chicken, optional


    1. Toss or arrange spinach, pecans, strawberries, mangoes and red onions in a large bowl or on individual plates.
    2. Whisk together sugar, vinegar and seasoning. Gradually whisk in oil. Drizzle over salad. Refrigerate any leftover dressing.
    3. Serve with grilled salmon or chicken, if desired.

    Recipe Source:

    Tone's Spices.