Citrus Slush


Citrus Slush

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Servings and Ingredients

2 ½ c. sugar
3 c. water
1 (12 oz) can frozen orange juice concentrate
1 (12 oz) can frozen lemonade concentrate
1 (46 oz) can pineapple juice
3 c. cold water
4 qt. ginger ale


  1. Bring sugar and 3 cups water to a boil in 6-quart pan, stirring until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat.
  2. Stir in orange juice concentrate, lemonade concentrate, pineapple juice and cold water. Pour into ice cube trays. Freeze overnight.
  3. Transfer from ice cube trays to resealable plastic bags.
  4. To serve, pour cubes into a large punch bowl or a 2-gallon pail. Slowly pour ginger ale into bowl. Stir until slushy and serve immediately.