Berry Blitz


Berry Blitz

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Servings and Ingredients

Serves 12
12 large strawberries
1 c. Hy-Vee dark chocolate chips
2 tbsp. Hy-Vee white chocolate chips
Piping bag with #2 tip
Parchment paper


  1. Rinse and completely dry the strawberries. Place the dark chocolate chips in a microwave-safe coffee mug; microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds. Stir and heat for another 15 seconds. Repeat until chocolate is almost melted, avoiding overheating the chocolate so it doesn't seize.
  2. Grab one strawberry at a time by the leaves and dip it into the chocolate, swirling the berry until it is coated. Hold the strawberry above the coffee mug for a few seconds to allow any excess chocolate to drip off. Place on a sheet of parchment paper to dry. Push forward slightly to avoid a pool of hardened chocolate forming in the front of the berry (see photo). Repeat with remaining strawberries and melted chocolate. Allow chocolate to harden for 15 minutes.
  3. Place white chocolate in a separate mug; microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds. Stir and heat for another 15 seconds. Repeat until chocolate is almost melted. White chocolate tends to seize even faster, so watch it closely.
  4. Transfer melted white chocolate to the piping bag. Let the chocolate cool just slightly so it will be less likely to run. Pipe a stripe at the top and one at the bottom of each strawberry. Next, pipe a line down the middle of the berry. Finally, pipe 5 or 6 short lines across the middle line to make the football “lacing”. Chill coated berries until ready to serve. Serve within 6 hours.

Nutrition facts


110 Calories per serving

Amounts Per Serving

  • Total Fat: 7g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 10mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Protein: 1g