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FLIP for Fiber!

Most Americans are trying to consume more fiber these days. Unfortunately nine out of 10 Americans fall short of the daily recommended fiber intake. The average American eats only half the daily recommended amount of fiber which is 30 to 40 grams of fiber per day depending on your age and most Americans average only 14 grams of fiber per day. There are numerous health benefits to getting your daily dose of fiber including lowering your cholesterol, providing a feeling of fullness, and adding healthy bacteria to your gut.

Fiber is the non-digestible part of plant foods found in grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Undigested fiber provides friendly immune-boosting bacteria through a process called fermentation. There are two main types of fiber – soluble and insoluble. Think of soluble fiber as a sponge; it collects and removes toxins including bad (LDL) cholesterol from our bodies. Foods containing soluble fiber include oatmeal, apples, pear, legumes and barley. Soluble fiber adds bulk to stools while insoluble fiber increases movement of the bowels. Insoluble fiber, or roughage, works like a broom in a sweeping or cleaning motion of the intestines. Examples include wheat bran, some whole wheat products, fruits and vegetables.

Whole Grain vs. Fiber

Don’t be fooled by whole grain and be sure to FLIP for FIBER. This means turning over the label to make sure the claim is true. If a product claims to be 100% whole wheat, then the first ingredient most likely is whole wheat providing at least 2 to 3 grams of fiber or more per serving. If a package reads wheat, natural, multi-grain or whole grain, you must check the first ingredient on the ingredient list to verify that whole wheat is the first ingredient listed and then that the fiber grams per serving are at least 3 grams or more. If the first ingredient reads “enriched” or “refined,” then chances are the fiber grams per serving are equal to or less than 1 gram and the beneficial fiber has been removed in processing. Make the time to check your bread label and see how much fiber you are eating.

  • A “good” source of fiber = 10% Daily Value or 3 grams per serving
  • An “excellent” source of fiber = 20% Daily Value or 5 grams of fiber

How to Add More Fiber to Your Diet

  • Try to have at least one fruit and or vegetable with each meal
  • Leave the skin on fruits and vegetables
  • Serve hummus instead of high-fat dips
  • Include a whole grain at each meal and snack
  • Add beans to soup and casseroles
  • Prepare a whole grain for breakfast such as quinoa, steel-cut oats or barley

Our new line of Hy-Vee Bakery Fresh 100% Whole Grain Bakery buns and bread is a good source of fiber that will have you flipping for fiber!  Schedule a grocery store tour today with your Hy-Vee dietitian and learn ways to increase your fiber intake by learning how to read labels and choosing new foods.

BBQ Turkey Sandwich
Serves 1.

All you need:

  • 1/2 cup shredded cooked turkey
  • 1/4 cup shredded carrots
  • 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce
  • 2 teaspoons light ranch dressing
  • 1 Hy-Vee bakery whole grain cocktail roll
  • 1 romaine lettuce leaf

All you do:

  1. Combine turkey, carrots and barbecue sauce in a bowl. Spread ranch dressing on the bun.
  2. Top with the turkey mixture and lettuce.

Nutrition information per serving: 265 calories, 5g fat, 1g saturated fat, 54mg cholesterol, 495mg sodium, 25g carbohydrates, 4g fiber, 26 g protein.

Source: Adapted from Eating Well.

This information is not intended as medical advice.

Reduce Food Waste

Leftovers are a great way to use foods in your fridge that otherwise would go to waste. Try to plan one meal per week that involves leftovers.

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