Performance Inspired

Performance Inspired was created to provide better all-natural, yet affordable, high performance sports nutrition for every atheletic level.
The formulas have ingredients you can trust and you’ll get results you can be proud of. Taste why all-natural is better, only at your local Hy-Vee.

Each serving of delicious Performance Whey provides 25g of protein, 160 calories and 5g of dietary fiber. In addition, the digestive enzymes it contains help you better absorb and more quickly assimilate the protein, spurring faster muscle repair and growth.

Designed to support muscle building while boosting your body’s ability to burn body fat, Ripped Whey delivers 25g of protein for only 160 calories. Leucine drives muscle building while digestive enzymes facilitate more efficient digestion of protein. Carnitine, choline and a blend of guarana and caffeine stimulate fat burning by boosting metabolism.

Explosive Pre-Workout is formulated to deliver. Citrulline (3g) and arginine (3g) allow your body to deliver more blood and nutrients to hard-training muscles. Creatine (3g) drives more intense muscle contractions, and beta-alanine (2.5g) improves muscular endurance and strength.

A nutrition bar that’s packed with protein (and flavor) without all the filler is hard to come by. The clean Inspired-Bar gives the body what it needs, not what it doesn’t.

Creatine is one of the most popular sports performance supplements, and Creatine from Performance Inspired provides muscular endurance and better recovery.

These amino acids drive protein synthesis, helping your muscles recover and grow more efficiently. Post-Workout BCAA provides an efficacious dose of branchedchain amino acids.