Sophisticated Poached Pears


Sophisticated Poached Pears

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    Servings and Ingredients

    20 oz. red dessert wine, such as port, red Zinfandel or Muscadet
    8 oz. strawberry jam or apricot glaze or mixed berry/apple jam
    4 oz. orange juice
    1 oz. orange zest
    ½ oz. lemon zest
    2 cinnamon sticks
    5 whole cloves
    1 oz. ground ginger
    25 (5 oz each) fresh pears


    1. In a braising pan, combine wine, jam, orange juice, orange zest, lemon zest, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves and ginger. Bring to a simmer.
    2. Place pears in the poaching liquid and simmer until pears are soft, about 20 minutes.
    3. Remove pears and allow to cool. Refrigerate pears. Strain the poaching liquid.
    4. Strained liquid can be used as a hot sauce by returning liquid to heat and allowing to reduce until thickened.
    5. Sauce can also be used as a cold garnish by freezing the strained liquid. Remove frozen sauce from freezer and chop, as a "pear ice".

    Nutrition facts


    147 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 1g
    • Sodium: 3mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 31g
    • Protein: 1g

    Recipe Source:

    Vegan in Volume.