Grilled Frozen Pizza


Grilled Frozen Pizza

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Frozen pepperoni pizza on a grill

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 Jack's frozen pizza, any variety


    1. Preheat gas grill to 400 degrees. Keep the lid closed.
    2. Unwrap packaging, remove cardboard and don't let the pizza thaw. Place frozen pizza on the gas grill. Close the lid to ensure the temperature stays at 400 degrees.
    3. Grill 15 to 20 minutes. Grill times may vary between Jack's Pizza varieties, so check the package's back label for specific instructions. Rotate the pizza 180 degrees after 7 minutes so it cooks evenly.
    4. Check for doneness. Take the pizza's temperature. It needs to be at 160 degrees. See that the cheese is melted and crust is dark. The open flames make the crust darker than an oven-baked pizza.
    5. Remove from gas grill. Caution! Hot! Don't touch it yet. Use a spatula instead. Let it cool for 5 minutes and it will be even tastier.

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Seasons Summer Grilling Guide 2015.