Barbecue Bean Cups


Barbecue Bean Cups

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 (12 oz) can refrigerated buttermilk biscuits
    1 (16 oz) can Bush's barbecue baked beans
    ½ c. shredded cheese


    1. Heat oven to 400 degrees.
    2. Place 1 biscuit into each of 10 ungreased standard-sized muffin cups. Press dough firmly into the bottoms and up sides of cups. Spoon 1 generous tablespoon of beans into each biscuit cup.
    3. Sprinkle each bean cup with cheese. Return to the oven and heat for 1 minute, or until cheese has melted.
    4. Bake for 11 to 13 minutes, or until edges of biscuits are golden.
    5. Let cool slightly. Loosen edges of biscuits before removing from pan.

    Recipe Source:, Hy-Vee Seasons Back to School 2013.