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Dietitian Pick: Short Cut Grill-Ready Vegetables

Date: 7/19/2014
Time:  2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Type: Demo/Sampling
Location: Lincoln Center Hy-Vee Produce Department

Did you know that the average person consumes about 1.5 cups of vegetables per day? This is only half the amount of vegetables you should eat, as MyPlate recommends consuming 3 cups of vegetables daily. Often times, people say vegetables take too much time to prepare. Well, here at Hy-Vee, we understand that life gets hectic and creating a nutritious and time-intensive homemade meal doesn’t always fit into your busy schedule. Our July Dietitian’s Pick of the Month, Short Cut vegetables, make getting the recommended amount of vegetables simple. Learn all the ways to incorporate Short Cut vegetables into your meals.