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Learn to Make a Turducken for Your Holidays with Chef Dave Dettman – $30

Date: 10/15/2011
Time:  10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Type: Store News
Location: Club Room

You may have heard this term around the holidays or saw one being prepared on the Food Networ -, turducken – a turkey stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a chicken. In 2010, this three-in-one concept had taken off and become so familiar that the Oxford English Dictionary added the term to its vocabulary. Chef Dave Dettman, culinary instructor at Kirkwood Community College, has created his own version of a turducken to share with you in class. Chef Dave will demonstrate how to de-bone a chicken; then you will take these techniques and assist in deboning the duck and turkey. Chef Dave will make fresh Andouille sausage in class and then with your assistance, assemble the turducken and discuss the best roasting method. While the turducken is being prepared, one will be roasting in the oven for you to enjoy at the conclusion of class. Chef Dave will roast a variety of root vegetables to accompany our feast and show you how to make a sauce from the drippings. You will take home instructions and time-saving tips to prepare your own turducken for a show-stopping entrée for the holidays. Pre-registration required. Stop by the customer service desk or call 378-0762.