Tuna Cheesies


Main Dish
Tuna Cheesies

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 (6.5 oz) can tuna, drained
    1 tsp. celery seed
    ½ c. shredded American cheese
    1 tbsp. minced onion
    ¼ tsp. salt
    ⅛ tsp. pepper
    ¼ c. mayonnaise
    6 hamburger buns, split
    softened margarine


    1. Mix tuna, celery seed, cheese, onion, salt, pepper and mayonnaise.
    2. Spread each side of the buns with margarine.
    3. Fill each side of the buns with tuna mixture.
    4. Place the 12 bun halves on a foil-covered cookie sheet. Cover buns with foil.
    5. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.