Shake-It-Up Taco Salad


Shake-It-Up Taco Salad

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    Servings and Ingredients

    ½ c. Thousand Island dressing
    2 tbsp. taco sauce
    1 head(s) lettuce, torn into pieces
    1 onion, chopped
    1 large avocado, chopped in bite-sized pieces
    1 (15 oz) can kidney beans, drained
    4 large tomatoes, chopped
    4 oz. grated Cheddar cheese
    1 lbs. ground beef, browned and drained
    1 packet(s) corn or tortilla chips


    1. Mix Thousand Island dressing with taco sauce.
    2. Combine dressing, lettuce, onion, avocado, kidney beans, tomatoes, cheese and ground beef.
    3. Add chips just before serving.