Mandarin Salad


Mandarin Salad

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    Servings and Ingredients

    ⅓ c. sliced almonds
    5 tbsp. sugar, divided
    ½ tsp. salt
    black pepper
    ¼ c. vegetable oil
    1 tbsp. chopped parsley
    2 tbsp. vinegar
    Tabasco sauce
    ½ head(s) iceberg lettuce, chopped
    ½ head(s) Romaine lettuce, chopped
    1 c. chopped celery
    2 medium green onions, chopped
    1 (11 oz) can mandarin oranges, drained


    1. In small pan over medium heat, cook almonds and 3 tablespoons sugar, stirring constantly, until almonds are coated and sugar dissolved. Watch closely as mixture burns easily. Cool. Store in airtight container.
    2. To make dressing, whisk together salt, pepper, oil, parsley, 2 tablespoons sugar, vinegar and Tabasco. Refrigerate.
    3. Toss together iceberg lettuce, Romaine lettuce and celery. Refrigerate.
    4. Just before serving, add almonds and oranges to lettuce mixture. Toss with dressing.