Gluten-Free Taco Salad


Gluten-Free Taco Salad

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Servings and Ingredients

1 ½ lbs. ground beef, browned and drained
1 (16 oz) can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 head(s) lettuce, shredded
1 lbs. Cheddar cheese, grated
4 tomatoes, diced
1 (10 oz) pkg gluten-free corn chips, crushed
4 to 6 ounces Russian dressing


  1. Mix together browned ground beef and kidney beans in a large bowl. Chill for 3 hours or overnight.
  2. Top with shredded lettuce, grated cheese and diced tomatoes.
  3. Add crushed corn chips and toss.
  4. Add Russian dressing. Toss and serve.

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