Fresh Pineapple Broil


Side Dish
Fresh Pineapple Broil

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    Servings and Ingredients

    1 fresh pineapple
    Hy-Vee buttter-flavor vegetable spray
    Hy-Vee pancake syrup
    brown sugar, optional


    1. With a sharp knife, peel pineapple. Cut into one-inch-thick crosswise slices. Remove center core.
    2. Place on broiler pan and spray with butter-flavor spray. Broil 3 inches from heat source for 5 to 7 minutes or until browned.
    3. Turn slices over; spray again with butter-flavor spray. Broil 5 to 7 minutes until browned.
    4. Cut into chunks. Pour approximately 2 tablespoons syrup over pineapple. Serve immediately.
    5. Optional: 2 tablespoons brown sugar may be sprinkled over top of pineapple in place of syrup.