Cinnamon Pickles


Side Dish
Cinnamon Pickles

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    Servings and Ingredients

    12 large cucumbers, peeled, seeded and cut into strips
    2 gal. water
    2 c. pickling lime
    1 c. vinegar
    1 small bottle red food coloring
    1 tbsp. alum
    2 c. water
    2 c. vinegar
    8 c. sugar
    9 oz. Red Hots candy
    8 cinnamon sticks


    1. Soak cucumbers in 2 gallons water and pickling lime for 24 hours. Stir occasionally. Rinse in clear water several times until clear. Then soak in ice water for 3 hours. Drain off all water.
    2. Combine cucumber strips with 1 cup vinegar, bottle of food coloring and alum in a large saucepan or Dutch oven. Add enough water to cover the pickles. Simmer until pickles are desired color, for 30 to 35 minutes. Continue to stir. Pour off water mixture and discard.
    3. In a separate pan, mix 2 cups water, 2 cups vinegar, sugar, Red Hots and cinnamon sticks. Bring to a boil. Add pickles. Let stand for 24 hours at 70 to 75 degrees.
    4. Remove pickles from liquid. Bring pickling liquid to a boil.
    5. Pack pickles into hot, sterilized jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Ladle hot liquid over pickles, leaving a 1/4-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles by sliding a knife down along the inside edges of each jar. Adjust two-piece canning caps. Process for 15 minutes in a boiling-water canner.

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Cookbook. Contributed by Nancy Turner of the Muscatine IA Drug Town store.