Chef Swany's Crock-Pot Chili


Soup, Chili & Stew
Chef Swany's Crock-Pot Chili

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Mug of Chili

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 14
    ½ lbs. mild Italian sausage (ask your Hy-Vee meat dept. for coarse ground)
    1 lbs. ground chuck (ask your Hy-Vee meat dept. for coarse ground)
    ½ c. medium-diced green pepper
    ½ c. medium-diced sweet yellow onion
    1 ½ tsp. chopped garlic
    1 (14.5 oz) can Hy-Vee diced tomatoes
    1 (29 oz) can Hy-Vee tomato sauce
    1 (15 oz) can Hy-Vee tomato sauce
    ¾ c. Hy-Vee tomato paste
    8 oz. freshly brewed dark roast coffee
    1 (15 oz) can Hy-Vee dark red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
    1 c. Hy-Vee chili beans
    2 tbsp. plus 3/4 tsp Hy-Vee chili powder
    2 tbsp. plus 3/4 tsp ground cumin
    1 tbsp. packed Hy-Vee brown sugar
    ¾ tsp. Hy-Vee oregano
    ¾ tsp. marjoram
    ¾ tsp. medium-grind black pepper
    ¾ tsp. garlic powder


    1. Over medium heat, brown Italian sausage and ground chuck. Do not drain. When meat is done, increase heat to medium-high; add green pepper, onion and garlic. Sauté for 4 minutes.
    2. Remove meat and vegetables from pan and put into a 4-quart crock pot. Add the rest of the ingredients to the crock pot. Set crock pot temperature to LOW and let simmer for 4 to 6 hours.
    3. If desired, garnish servings with fresh chopped green onion tops, sour cream and cheddar cheese; serve with Kitchen Fresh Tortilla Chips.

    Nutrition facts


    200 Calories per serving

    Amounts Per Serving

    • Total Fat: 7g
    • Cholesterol: 30mg
    • Sodium: 770mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 21g
    • Protein: 14g

    Daily Values

    Vitamin A 20%
    Vitamin C 25%
    Iron 20%
    Calcium 4%

    Recipe Source:

    Chef Swany, Hy-Vee Seasons Fall 2007.