Blueberry Kombucha Mojito


Blueberry Kombucha Mojito

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    Turn your kombucha into a cocktail with this Blueberry Kombucha Mojito. Blueberries, with their sweet flavor and just a hint of acid, offset the tartness of kombucha for a harmonious tasting cocktail.

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    Servings and Ingredients

    Serves 4
    ¼ c. plus 1 tsp. Hy-Vee granulated sugar, divided
    ¼ c. fresh mint, freshly packed; plus additional for garnish
    2 limes, quartered; plus additional lime slices for garnish
    8 oz. white rum
    1 c. fresh blueberries, plus additional for garnish
    ½ c. fresh lime juice
    2 (16-oz. each) bottles Brew Dr. Clear Mind organic mint, rosemary, sage and green tea kombucha, divided

    Things To Grab

    • 2-quart pitcher
    • Muddler or large spoon
    • Blender
    • Fine-mesh sieve
    • 4 (12-oz. each) cocktail glasses
    • Ice


    1. Muddle 1/4 cup sugar and mint leaves in a 2-quart pitcher. Add lime juice from 2 limes, cut into wedges; to pitcher, then add wedges to pitcher. Stir in rum until sugar dissolves.

    2. Place 1 cup blueberries and additional 1/2 cup lime juice and 1 teaspoon sugar in blender. Cover and blend until smooth. Strain mixture through a fine-mesh sieve and discard pulp, if desired.

    3. To serve, gently stir blueberry mixture and 1 bottle kombucha into rum mixture in pitcher. Pour into 2 (12-oz. each) cocktail glasses filled with ice; top drinks with additional 1 bottle kombucha. Garnish with lime slices and additional blueberries, and mint, if desired.

    Recipe Source:

    Hy-Vee Seasons July 2022