Berry Crisp


Berry Crisp

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    Servings and Ingredients

    8 c. assorted berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries
    ¼ c. coconut palm sugar
    ¼ c. chia seeds
    1 tbsp. cinnamon
    1 c. old-fashioned oats
    ⅓ c. coconut palm sugar
    ⅓ c. quinoa flour
    1 tbsp. cinnamon
    ¼ tsp. salt
    5 tbsp. coconut oil


    1. Filling
    2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    3. Combine filling ingredients and place in a 9-by-13-inch baking dish.
    4. Topping
    5. Mix oats, sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl.
    6. Add coconut oil and work into dry ingredients until mixture is crumbly.
    7. Sprinkle oat mixture evenly over berries.
    8. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until filling is bubbly and topping is lightly browned and crisp.
    9. Tips
    10. If using frozen berries, an extra tablespoon of chia seeds may be necessary to thicken filling.
    11. If berries are very tart, add an extra tablespoon or two of sugar to sweeten. Adjust to your preferences.

    Recipe Source:

    Sheri Caldwell, RD, LD, St. Joseph (MO) dietitian and culinary nutritionist.