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Better Baking for Healthier Holidays

Healthier holidays are happier holidays! For happy, healthy holiday baking, experiment with simple substitutions and tasty trade-ups for festive and flavorful food. Seasonal sweets become delightful dishes with small changes to traditional recipes. This year, enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of the season – the smart and sensible way!

Be Ready with Recipe Reductions

For a healthier holiday twist on traditional recipes, consider reducing the fat, calories, and sodium in your festive favorites.

  • To reduce fat, cut the amount in half and for the other half, substitute unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas or pureed prunes. Use egg substitute in place of whole eggs. Use non-fat or light dairy products rather than the original version.
  • To reduce sugar, cut one-third to one-half of the amount in the recipe. Consider alternative sweeteners such as Splenda, Delecta or stevia for sweet treats without spoonfuls of sugar.
  • To reduce sodium, cut the amount by half or eliminate completely (except in recipes that include yeast). Instead of onion salt, garlic salt, celery salt and seasoning salt, use festive flavors like onion flakes, garlic powder and herbs.
  • Be practical about portions. Limit the number of options available to limit the number of temptations. Serve smaller portions of dessert items by cutting into bite-sized pieces.

Enjoy the Extra Nutrients

Focus on fiber and pack in protein to make holiday baking scrumptious and satisfying.

  • Add flax seed, chia seed or oatmeal to your recipes.
  • Use whole wheat flour or whole wheat pastry flour in breads, bars, muffins, pie crusts, and cookies to turn tasty treats into satisfying sweets.
  • Dried fruits add fiber and flavor to recipe favorites.
  • Nuts are packed with nutrients, including heart-healthy fats, fiber and protein.
  • Greek yogurt provides protein, helping you feel more satisfied by just one holiday helping.

Pomegranate–Dark Chocolate Delights

The information is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for individual advice.

Reduce Food Waste

Leftovers are a great way to use foods in your fridge that otherwise would go to waste. Try to plan one meal per week that involves leftovers.

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