Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Type: Health & Wellness
Location: SCC Center for Business (CBIZ): 610 N. Fourth St.; River Park Place; CIBZ Room 111
Fructose malabsorption is being diagnosed more and more frequently. Come and uncover general information about the condition and about how to shop once you’ve been diagnosed. Hy-Vee registered dietitian Michelle Kuster will provide food lists and amounts of fructose to eat per day for an elimination diet that makes managing fructose malabsorption easier - you don’t need to eliminate fruits and certain vegetables forever! Basic information on a low--FODMAP diet to manage other aspects of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) will also be discussed.
Cost: $25, register through CBIZ at (319)208-5375. Early registrations are suggested.